Friday, April 5, 2013

French Toast

I was really craving french toast this morning.  Since my eggs were expiring today, I thought this would be a great breakfast!  So, I used 3 eggs in my french toast and then hard boiled the rest!

For this you'll need:
3 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
1 splash of milk
1 tbsp sugar
4 pieces of whatever bread you like

Mix the eggs, vanilla, milk and sugar in a decent sized bowl (something your bread will fit into).  Start heating your pan (can grease with Pam or butter.  I used butter).  When butter is melted, dip the bread into the egg mix and place in the pan.  Let it sit in the pan until it looks like this...

Nice and golden brown.  When both sides are completed, make sure you have a plate to put the done slices on.  The mix I had made 4 pieces of french toast, which is 2 servings, or 1. Depending on how hungry you are :]

Hope you enjoy!