Saturday, January 19, 2013

I've just created the best, most unhealthy popcorn mix anyone will eat in their whole life.

So. I was doing my daily pintrest rounds, and what to my wandering eyes should appear, a picture of popcorn, m&m's and pretzels covered in white chocolate and drizzled in milk chocolate, OH DEAR!  So, I said to myself, "Do I need this? INDEED!"  So, I went to my kitchen and grabbed all these things:

1.  Stick Pretzels
2.  1 bag of microwave popcorn (normal sized)
3.  Peanut butter m&m's but you can use your favorite
4.  White chocolate, about half a bag
5.  Milk chocolate, about 1/4 cup

FIRST pop the popcorn, take all the old maids out and throw those suckers away, so you're only left with the fluffy popcorn. Then, put it in a large mixing bow. :]  SECOND take the m&m's and the STICK pretzels and put them in a large mixing bowl.  THIRD, melt your white chocolate.  No particular way, just make sure its melty.  FOURTH, pour into bowl with pretzels and m&m's, mix until fully coated. FIFTH, dump the mouth watering mix into the bowl with the popcorn, mix.  SIXTH, take out a cookie sheet and put a layer of tin foil or wax paper down and dump the heavenly mixture onto it, and try to flatten it out (may need more than one cookie sheet.  SEVENTH, take your milk chocolate, melt it.  EIGHTH, delicately drizzle the milk chocolate over the WHOLEEEEE thing.  NINTH, pop in freezer, wait ten painstaking minutes, remove, crunch up, put in a new big bowl, and enjoy, devour, inhale, whatever!  Perfect for a party!  Or perfect as a gift! Tell me what you think!

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