Friday, April 5, 2013

French Toast

I was really craving french toast this morning.  Since my eggs were expiring today, I thought this would be a great breakfast!  So, I used 3 eggs in my french toast and then hard boiled the rest!

For this you'll need:
3 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
1 splash of milk
1 tbsp sugar
4 pieces of whatever bread you like

Mix the eggs, vanilla, milk and sugar in a decent sized bowl (something your bread will fit into).  Start heating your pan (can grease with Pam or butter.  I used butter).  When butter is melted, dip the bread into the egg mix and place in the pan.  Let it sit in the pan until it looks like this...

Nice and golden brown.  When both sides are completed, make sure you have a plate to put the done slices on.  The mix I had made 4 pieces of french toast, which is 2 servings, or 1. Depending on how hungry you are :]

Hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Banana Bread :]]] mmmmmmm

Okay, so trying this new thing where I just post the ingredients, and directions? Yes, no? I don't know haha. It does make it a little more colorful. Oh and by grease pan, I mean a bread pan, the smallish rectangular one. OH also, stick a knife in the middle of the bread/cupcake/cake, whatever your cooking it in. If it comes out with batter on it still pop it in for another 5 minutes until none comes out!

Drum rollllllllllllll

If your banana bread doesn't look like this, you might not want to taste it.  If it's good. Then your job is done. ;]

Saturday, January 19, 2013

How To: Make Easy De-Shellable Hard Boiled Eggs

So, you want to know how to easily un-shell a hard boiled egg. Well, here's the secret, add a splash of regular vinegar to the water.

First you're going to get a pot of boiling water started with a splash of vinegar in it. Then, only add enough eggs to cover the bottom of the pot or less.  Boil for 12 minutes, remove the eggs, let them cool, and crack away.  The shell should just peel right off!!  Super easy, and every time I've done it, the shell slides right off!  Let me know how it works!

I've just created the best, most unhealthy popcorn mix anyone will eat in their whole life.

So. I was doing my daily pintrest rounds, and what to my wandering eyes should appear, a picture of popcorn, m&m's and pretzels covered in white chocolate and drizzled in milk chocolate, OH DEAR!  So, I said to myself, "Do I need this? INDEED!"  So, I went to my kitchen and grabbed all these things:

1.  Stick Pretzels
2.  1 bag of microwave popcorn (normal sized)
3.  Peanut butter m&m's but you can use your favorite
4.  White chocolate, about half a bag
5.  Milk chocolate, about 1/4 cup

FIRST pop the popcorn, take all the old maids out and throw those suckers away, so you're only left with the fluffy popcorn. Then, put it in a large mixing bow. :]  SECOND take the m&m's and the STICK pretzels and put them in a large mixing bowl.  THIRD, melt your white chocolate.  No particular way, just make sure its melty.  FOURTH, pour into bowl with pretzels and m&m's, mix until fully coated. FIFTH, dump the mouth watering mix into the bowl with the popcorn, mix.  SIXTH, take out a cookie sheet and put a layer of tin foil or wax paper down and dump the heavenly mixture onto it, and try to flatten it out (may need more than one cookie sheet.  SEVENTH, take your milk chocolate, melt it.  EIGHTH, delicately drizzle the milk chocolate over the WHOLEEEEE thing.  NINTH, pop in freezer, wait ten painstaking minutes, remove, crunch up, put in a new big bowl, and enjoy, devour, inhale, whatever!  Perfect for a party!  Or perfect as a gift! Tell me what you think!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Crescent Pizzas!

Okay, I'm not going to lie.  I totally am eating this for breakfast... It's just so good!  So, you're going to need:

1.  1 can of crescent rolls
2.  1/2 can of pizza sauce
3.  mozzarella cheese
4.  pizza toppings

Pre-heat oven to temp on the crescent rolls.  Then, place 2 triangles of the roll and pinch the middle together so it makes a rectangle.  You'll end up having 4 rectangles.  Put some pizza sauce, then cheese, then pizza toppings.  Pop it in the oven for 13 minutes, or desired crispiness. take out, enjoy! :]

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The best freaking baked mac n cheese of my whole life! :]]]]]]

If you've never had baked mac n cheese. Just, I mean, you're going to want to just go and make this right now because it's so freaking amazing!

What you'll need:
1.  1 small bag of shredded sharp cheddar cheese
2.  1 can of Campbell's cheddar cheese
3.  1 box of macaroni noodles
4.  Breadcrumbs, Italian or garlic seasoned ones are perfect
5.  Splash of milk 
6.  2 chicken breasts
7.  Spices and such for chicken marinade
8.  Parmesan cheese
9.  Small square Pyrex pan

OKAY!  First set the oven to 350, and get a pot and start boiling some water for the macaroni. Then, you'll marinade your chicks.  I used a little teriyaki, soy sauce, garlic powder, pepper, and a little bit of sea salt.  My chicken had been marinating for about 3 hours before I cooked it, but you can soak yours for however long you feel necessary.  Once done marinating, I used my George Foreman to grill them up.  

While those are cooking, put about half the box of mac in the pot and cook until desired softness.  Drain.  Open the Campbell's cheddar cheese put it in the pot, put a 1/2 cup of sharp cheddar cheese, add about 1/8 cup of milk, and 1/8 cup of Parmesan cheese, put the noodles back in the pot, stir.

Flip your chicken!  Wait 4-5 minutes, make sure it's cooked all the way through and cube.

Now, take your pan. Put half the mac in there.  Sprinkle half the chicken over the layer, then sprinkle with sharp cheddar cheese.  Repeat.  Top with a thin layer of bread crumbs. Pop the pan in the oven for 10 minutes, patiently wait.  Don't go burning yourself trying to take the pan out of the oven.  I mean it's irresistible and all, but, you must wait.  

Okay, go ahead, take an over sized spoonful of the chicken baked mac n cheese and devour. Go back for seconds. Even thirds.  Share or don't share!  If you like it let me know!  Enjoy :]

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Tortilla Pizzas

So, super quick and easy if you're crunched for time.  All you need for this pizza recipe is:

1.  Pizza Sauce
2.  Soft tortillas
3.  Pizza toppings, I like pepperoni
4.  Cheese, whichever you like

Heat your oven to 350, put your tortilla shell onto a pan, put the sauce on there, put your pizza toppings on, sprinkle with cheese, pop in the oven for 10 to 15 minutes depending on how done you like the pizza, take out, cut, enjoy ;]

I also topped with a little oregano and then Parmesan cheese before I put it in the oven!!